Welcome Letter for New Avalon Clients


Welcome Letter for New Avalon Clients

Dear New Avalon Client,

Welcome to Avalon! We are so grateful that you have made the decision to work with us. We’ll do everything in our power to live up to your trust and exceed your expectations. As industry leaders, we seek not only to educate but inspire. As such, we hire only the most talented tutors and counselors, train them in our proprietary pedagogical methods, and match them to your child based on as many as seven factors of compatibility. Our proven combination of expert hiring and training prowess, strategic orientation, and powerful curriculum is a formula for educational success that has served our clients well for more than 40 years.

As for customer service, we hold ourselves to the highest standards and hope you do as well. If you ever have a problem or an issue that needs to be addressed, please let us know and we will do our best to fix it. Our tutors and our clients are the heart and soul of our company, and all the systems and materials that we create are done with that in mind. Custom tutor matching is always our goal, but if we don't get it right the first time, we ask that you give us a chance to get it right the second.

Our goal is to provide your child and your family with greater and better opportunities in school, in college, and in graduate school. It is this overarching philosophy that drives every aspect of our business, including every decision that we make, every tutor that we hire, and all the curriculum that we create. We will always honor this commitment to families by providing the highest level of service possible.

At Avalon Admission, we relish the role of advisor to our client families. As such, we are always happy to provide advice free of charge on several topics that fall within the range of our expertise. If we do not have the answer you seek, it is very likely that we can provide you with some guidance or steer you in the right direction. As an Avalon Admission client, you can call us anytime and with any questions you may have any time related to the education industry. If, at any point, you are unclear or unsure about anything, or need advice or even last-minute assistance, please contact us at 800-469-1028 or email us any time at admin@avalonadmission.com.

Welcome to Avalon Admission.


Neil R. Chyten, President and CEO Avalon Admission, Inc.