Using Avalon Hub Tracking Software

Details for Parent Portal

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Guide to Your Avalon Hub Parent Portal

The Avalon Admission Hub is a multi-function portal that facilitates communication between our administration, tutors, parents, and students. While many exciting changes are already planned, its four main components and current functions are:

· Parent Portal

· Student Portal

· Faculty Portal

· Administrator Portal

Details of Avalon Hub Parent Portal:

The Avalon Hub Parent Portal has been completely redesigned for 2024 to account for the evolving needs of our clients and evolving level of service that Avalon provides. Here are the main features.

Dashboard (Top Navigation)


1. Parents may enter each of their children’s portals simply by clicking on their icon at the top of the page. (See student portal for details).

2. Return to the parent portal by clicking on “Return to Parent Home” just below your avatar in the upper right-hand corner. You may also do so by clicking on the “Family Portal” button on the left-hand column under your child’s name.

Left Column

1. View all scheduled appointments for the entire family.

2. Review policies and procedures for items such as guidelines for interactions with employees, payment, scheduling, refunds, and cancelations.

Middle Column

1. View upcoming events such as application deadlines, special events, and opportunities.

2. Accept or initiate communications with tutors, counselors, or administrators by using our communications hub.

3. Check recent transactions through our accounting hub.

Right Column

1. Check Notes for recently completed sessions. By clicking on any of the notes, you’ll be able to see all notes for that particular series of sessions.

2. View recent news articles of relevance.

3. Read our recent blog articles.

4. Use social media links to view our Facebook, LinkedIn, and X pages.


We love referrals! Please use our referral button at the bottom of the page to provide us with information about individuals or families you feel might be interested in learning about our services, or just getting on our email list.

Extracurriculars (Top Navigation)

Use various parameters to search through our list of extracurriculars. To do so, simply enter the parameter(s) that are most important to you and click on the “Search” button at the bottom right of the top window. When you do, a list of extracurricular activities matching those characteristics will appear in the window below. Click on each program’s “View” button to see details. When you do, you will see Avalon’s rating, as well as various parameters such as application fee, category, subject, and more. You’ll also be able to click on the link to the program to be taken directly to its website. Please note that data for each program evolves quickly based on the number of factors and may have changed since it was entered into our system. If you find such a change or discrepancy in our data, please let us know so we can make the appropriate adjustments.

Session List (Top Navigation)

When you click on “Session List” in the top navigation, you will see a list of sessions for each child and each subject, as well as location, total number of sessions, and date of next session, if it exists. Click on the “I” Icon to see series notes. Click on the “Show Entire Schedule” button to see a complete schedule of past and upcoming sessions for each service.

Transaction History (Top Navigation)

Click on “Transaction History” in the top navigation to see a list of all processed transactions for each child within a date range that you select.

Admission Counseling (Top Navigation)

When you click on “Admission Counseling” in the top navigation bar, you will see some sub-navigation to the various types of admission counseling we provide. You may click on any one of these to get details about these services.

Research (Top Navigation)

Click on “Research” in the top navigation bar to learn more about our research services and opportunities which include mentored scientific and historical research, writing and publishing research papers, preparing for academic competitions, and more.

Website (Top Navigation)

Clicking on the “Website” button brings you to the website

Test Prep (Top Navigation)

Clicking on the “Test Prep” button in the top navigation bar brings you to information about our test preparation services for SAT, ACT, AP, TOEFL, and other exams.

Blog (Top Navigation)

Clicking on the “Blog” button brings you to the Avalon admission blog which contains detailed information on issues related to admission, test preparation, and academics.

Tutor/Counselor Finder (Top Navigation)

Clicking on the tutor/counselor finder button on the far-right side of the upper navigation bar brings you to a search tool that allows you to enter subject type and subject you are interested in, which will then bring up a list of tutors certified by Avalon to teach or provide counseling in these subjects. Clicking on the “Check Status and Availability” for each tutor will open a messaging box that will go directly to an Avalon Admission administrator who will follow up with you on your information request.