The Role of Avalon Tutors and Counselors


The Role of Avalon Tutors and Counselors

Avalon Admission tutors and counselors are subject-matter experts hired based on their pedagogical excellence, trained in our proprietary teaching methods, and custom matched based on several factors of compatibility. Each one possesses the personal and professional attributes you would expect from a leader in the education industry for four decades. These include courtesy, responsibility, maturity, and subject-matter expertise. They have excellent communication and pedagogical skills. They are excellent listeners. They are experts at diagnosing symptoms and identifying solutions. Of course, all Avalon Admission tutors and counselors are trained in the use of Avalon Admission’s proprietary curriculum and methods.

However, communications with tutors and counselors should be limited to their specific areas of expertise. Questions regarding tutoring details, scheduling (including changes, cancelations, and additions), or higher-level advice should be directed to Avalon Admission rather than to the Avalon Admission tutor. There are three things we request that you not ask your Avalon Admission tutor or counselor.

Please do not ask them...

1. provide advice outside of subject matter expertise.

2. add, change, or delete appointments, unless you also let our administrators know

3. work for you directly (outside of Avalon Admission) on any academic subject or counseling task, no matter whether related to originally contracted tutoring subject or not.

1. While our tutors are subject area experts, they may not be experts in matters that fall outside their purview. Therefore, we ask that you not consult your tutor on anything beyond their subject expertise. For example, do not ask tutors when you should take tests, how many tests you should take, which tests to take, which are the best colleges to apply to, and which are the best schools to attend. These kinds of questions are best addressed by Avalon’s team of counselors who have far more experience and can provide more reliable and/or strategic responses.

2. Please do not add, change, or delete appointments through your tutor or counselor without also letting our administrators know. If you do, it is possible that information will not get entered in the Avalon Hub system, thereby causing confusion, overbooking, or missed appointments. Since we are continuously scheduling appointments, we rely on the accuracy of our schedules. Changes to your schedule should be handled directly through our office or through your Avalon Hub Portal.

3. Please do not attempt to enter into independent contracts or arrangements with our tutors or counselors for any services, as this is in direct violation of their employment agreements with Avalon. Doing so may also cause us to reevaluate our relationship with the offending family. Once an Avalon Admission tutor or counselor is matched with a family, all services that tutor or counselor provides to that family must be done through, or with the consent of, Avalon Admission, Inc. Independent or direct contracting of any services between an Avalon Admission client and our tutors or counselors, whether by written or oral consent, is strictly prohibited.