

1. Extended Scheduling Strongly Recommended

We strongly suggest that you schedule appointments over the entire period that you expect to need tutoring to ensure consistency and availability of your tutor. If circumstances change, you can cancel remaining sessions without penalty, although if cancellation of appointments brings you under the threshold for discounts that you have been provided, we may have to adjust for the difference in price for sessions that have already occurred and have been charged at the lower rate. Please note that our cancellation policy requires at least one day’s notice to cancel appointments. Exceptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

2. Cancelation Policy

There is no charge for timely cancelations, however we ask that you consider holidays, school vacations, extracurricular commitments, and any other prescheduled event as far ahead as possible and give us as much notice as possible. Please note that Avalon Admission maintains a prior-day cancellation policy. If you call on or before the day prior to the session by the close of business, you will not incur a charge for that session. This cancellation policy is not intended to be a punishment, but rather a deterrent to last-minute cancellations that make it very difficult to maintain a staff of professional tutors. Also, please change schedules as infrequently as possible, and when you do, provide as much notice as possible.

3. Consider the Avalon Hub Portal as the Most Accurate and Up-To-Date Schedule

When checking your schedule, please consider that information in the Avalon Hub portal is the most accurate because it shares data across all applications: Parent Portal, Admin Portal, Tutor Portal, and the Student Portal. Please do not rely on emails, handwritten notes, or statements by tutors regarding scheduling as they may or may not be accurate. Always check Avalon Hub to be sure.

4. Procedure for Changes and Cancelations

All scheduling requests should be done through Avalon Hub Communications Module located in the center of each student’s and parent’s Dashboard page rather than just with your tutor or counselor. If you do decide on a schedule change with your tutor or counselor, please also report it to us through Avalon Hub so that we may enter it into your schedule.